northern hill christian
homeschoolers (nhch)
Northern Hills Christian Home Schoolers began in 1995 with a few families in Belle Fourche, SD who believe that it is their God-given responsibility to provide their children with a quality Christian education.
The group’s purpose is as stated in the Northern Hills Christian Homeschoolers’ constitution: “Our mission is in accordance with the mandate in Proverbs 22:6 to provide support, both educationally and spiritually, to one another.
Educational support will be through the sharing of ideas and resources. Spiritual support will be through fellowship, encouragement, and prayer. “Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will
not turn from it.””
Hundreds of families have benefited from the fellowship, support, resources, information and activities. Close life-long and eternal bonds have formed.
To God be the Glory. We are eternally thankful for how He has blessed us and continues to bless us.
We would love to have you become an active part of our family. NHCH
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